
Crowned Crane
The Crowned Crane is an impressive species of crane that lives in sub-Saharan Africa. It is widespread in dry savannahs, although it nests in wetter areas. It has gray plumage with white wings, which contrast with the black harriers. The main characteristic of the species is the golden "crown" of feathers on its head, which is always raised. The bright colors of the head also make an impression. The crowned crane can also be seen on the flag of Uganda!

The raven, or raven or crow, is a carnivorous land bird of the order ostrichiformes, the size of a hen, which ranks it as one of the largest members of the order and weighs up to one and a half kilograms. It has distinctive black plumage, with red and blue highlights, a black conical bill and black legs, hence the expression "black as a crow". The crow always lives in pairs and remains faithful to its mate until death. He chooses her at the end of winter and they build their nest together using wood, leaves and clay, while the inside is lined with hair and fine straw. The female lays 3-5 eggs which she spins for 20-22 days while the male takes care of the food.

Owl Tito
Contrary to what is believed, Tyto is not an owl in the strict sense of the term, but is a special glaucous bird, which resembles an owl. It is a medium-sized glauca with a length of up to 39 cm, a weight of up to 460 grams and a wingspan of up to 93 cm. It has a slender body, long wings and long legs and a large head with black eyes. Its dorsal color is gray, brown, pale, while ventrally it is white. The face is very characteristic: whitish in the shape of a heart. It is found in open areas with small forests, fields, stands of trees, wetlands, but is also very often found in man-made habitats such as rural settlements and villages.

Eurasian Owl
The Eurasian Vulture is the largest glauca. It has a husky build, dense plumage and a large head. Every March the female lays 2–5 eggs, which she incubates alone for 35 days. During this time, the male takes care of the female's nutrition. When the chicks are born, both parents care for them and feed them frogs, mice, large insects, etc.

White Peacock
The white peacock belongs to the species of ornithomorphs and since ancient times it has been considered the most beautiful bird in the world. When it opens its impressive tail, it looks like a fluffy lacy fan, which is why it was always present in the gardens and parks of European nobility. Even the Buddha was not indifferent to these birds and in some statues it appears that he himself is riding them!

Monk parrot
The monk parakeet, also known as the Quaker parakeet, is a species of parrot with green plumage, a grayish breast and a greenish-yellow belly. It is native to the temperate to subtropical regions of Argentina and surrounding countries in South America. Unusually for a parrot, pairs of monk parakeets occasionally have helpers, often adult offspring, who help feed the young. They are very intelligent and social birds and those kept as pets usually develop a vocabulary of many words and phrases.

Eagle of the Steppes
The Steppe Eagle is a large bird of prey found in parts of Asia and Europe. It has mainly brown feathers and is similar in appearance to the tawny eagle, which inhabits large areas of Africa. It can reach a length of 81 cm. It has a wingspan that usually ranges between 165 and 200 cm and can weigh up to 11 kg. To hunt effectively, the Steppe Eagle lives in open areas such as deserts and grasslands. This provides the bird with an open landscape in which to see and catch prey. A Steppe Eagle's diet consists largely of small mammals, such as the small squirrel. If no mammals are available, then the eagle will eat other birds and reptiles and take food from other birds of prey.

Rhea of Argentina
The Argentinian Rhea is an omnivorous ostrich-like bird. Its food consists mainly of leaves of broad-leaved trees, fruits, but also animal matter, mainly insects, scorpions, small rodents, reptiles and small birds. Like many other birds that feed on tough plant matter, the great wagtail swallows pebbles that help crush the food for better digestion.
Females are constantly on the move during the breeding season, mating with a male and, after laying the egg, mating with another male. Males, on the other hand, look after and monitor the nests, taking care of the incubation and care of the chicks. However, as recent evidence shows, it is possible for a dominant male to "recruit" a subordinate male to the nest instead, while he himself begins the hunt for a second female.

The ostrich is a large bird, belonging to the Ostrich family! This is the largest bird that lives today on our planet. It lives in packs and feeds on seeds, fruits and insects. Due to hunting for its plumage, its population has been declining in recent years, particularly in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The bird's feathers are used for decorative purposes, while its meat and eggs are eaten. In many regions of the world, including Greece, there are also ostrich farms.

Emu Ostrich
The Emu ostrich is the second largest bird in the world in height, after the ostrich. There are three subspecies of me in Australia. The emu is found throughout most of mainland Australia, although it avoids densely populated areas, dense forests, and barren areas.

Parrot Zako
It is considered by experts as one of the most intelligent birds. Their gentle demeanor and tendency and ability to mimic human speech have made them popular pets.

In winter, ducks form large flocks, which include up to 1000 individuals. They often fly from freshwater bodies of water to mixed waters. This helps in finding food. At the same time, it is impossible to meet carolina in an open area or on the sea coast. Birds prefer to avoid such areas. The way of life of birds is closely related to the forest. Therefore, they learned to fly beautifully, classily bending in the trees. Also birds can swim perfectly. In danger, they can dive.

Cockatoo parrot
Cockatoos like to show off and make funny movements with spread wings, head shaking, dancing and loud screeching. They are very active and curious in relation to their living environment. In captivity, a happy Cockatoo spends his time examining his toys and the rest of his cage.

Lovebirds are generally small birds with a length ranging from 12-17 cm, depending on the species. Lovebirds are characterized by their red beak and short tail compared to other parrot species. They weigh from 40-60 grams. They are found in a wide variety of colors depending on the species.
Their scientific name is Agapornis which means love birds. Remarkable is the couple's devotion to such an extent that if one dies, the other soon follows.

Ringneck Parrot
Ringneck parakeets are among the most intelligent and sociable species of parrots and are especially loved by lovers of the species. Ringneck birds are native to India, but live and breed in Africa and Asia.