
Achaean Horse Riding Club

From the very beginning, during the desinging of the Recreation Park "IPPOCAMILOS" we treated horse riding as a special and important activity. For that reason we created the Achaean Horse Riding Club.

Our purpose is to develop horse riding in all of its forms, athletic or entertaining horse riding, accessible to people of all ages and focused in the acquaintance with the most popular animal, the horse. Our horses and ponies are selected very carefuly, so that they are suitable and safe, while simultaneously we provide them a beautiful natural habitat to live in.

Our Club allocates modern installations, while the natural environment (forest - meadows), constitutes an ideal place for riding in the countryside. Our ambition for the future, is to host national and international athletic events.

Athletic events

Our club organises events throughout the year, so that the members and friends, participate actively, entertain themselves and improve their equestrian records. We have also organised and host games of surmounting of obstacles with attendance of foreing clubs and teams of our region.


The installations of the park are avilable for seminars and training programs, addressed to varied public, as students, athletes and groups of special interest.

Entertainig Events

Specifically for our younger friends we organise events and games on the subject of horse riding, in order that the pastime riding constitutes an activity of amusement and entertainment.

Sageika Patras
Tel.: 2693 774010, 2610 222235
Mob.: 6932 229118
E-mail: info@ippocamilos.gr
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We would like to inform you that our park will be open Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 10:00 am to 21:00 .